
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on kesäkuu, 2024.

Collecting for modern times? / Keräily nykyaikaan?

Text in Finnish below. Suomenkielinen teksti alapuolella. It is obvious that collecting is based on matters of taste and impression, and that's why you might want to leave such critical issues unaddressed. In my opinion, if criticism is not worth highlighting, hiding it won't help either. Collectors will find out sooner or later. For example, many traditional collectors are constantly wondering how to get new young enthusiasts involved. There are obvious reasons for that, even if it might not be pleasant to talk about them publicly.  So as a disclaimer : you shouldn't read the following if you don't want to hear anything critical about collecting traditions and association activities. I have dealt with it before and it has been defended how the senior hobbyists have only acted according to their best understanding. Of course that is true, but everything points to the fact that this understanding is not enough to save the hobby from marginalization further and further.